I almost thought this was gonna be a complete Jack the Ripper episode…recap of Episode 3 of Sleepy Hollow


I know I couldn’t have been the only one who was completely ready and excited when they mentioned Jack the Ripper. I thought they were gonna face off with his ghost or something but I was horribly wrong. It turns out that the knife he used takes over whoever is wielding it and creates a blood lust. The result was pretty interesting once it got into the hands of Nelson Meyers. His short rampage was brought on by jealousy and a crush. It wasn’t his fault but it was still creepy how he was acting before he even met Pandora. It’s never cool to creep on your crush and another person when you’re out at a bar/club. He ended up being easy prey for Pandora and got stuck with the worst accessory ever. Ichabod was able to stop him but only by injecting himself with a disease and allowing himself to get stabbed. He was so freaking close to death that it wasn’t even funny.

Meanwhile with Jenny and Joe, they attempted to get the rock (or whatever it was) back that had been stolen in the previous episode. Unfortunately, Randall had been duped himself by some woman. She’s a mysterious new character that seems to know all of the tricks Sheriff Corbin taught Jenny. Who is she, exactly? The easiest answer is a secret child. If she is the Sheriff’s daughter, what significance will come of it? Not a clue but it does make for an interesting twist.

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