Playing Catch Up

Hello All!

If you’re not new to this blog, you’ve probably been wondering where I’ve been for the past…oh, 10 months. The simple answer is: life happens. I’ve been in a mix of a lot of life changes this year and things are finally starting to settle down. The timing is great because Fall TV is in full swing and I plan on jumping back on the wagon. Unfortunately, there are quite a few shows I won’t be able to do updates on because I’m behind. These include Gotham, Sleepy Hollow, and Once Upon a Time. This is somewhat do to my new binge watching of WWE programming. However, I plan to be caught up soon enough. As for everything else, I’m right on schedule and will actually be posting my first reviews between now and Tuesday. It feels good to be back in action.

Winter Premiere Dates

I’ll get into a long post about why I disappeared later on but right now, hiatus is almost over so it’s time for a date refresher. *Note: It appears that Supergirl has already started but I haven’t even caught up on the other episodes yet so there’s that.

R- Returning from hiatus

NS- New Season

SP- Series Premiere/New Shows

This week: (January 11 – January 16)

iZombie – January 12 at 9pm on The CW (R)

Pretty Little Liars – January 12 at 8pm on Freeform/ABC Family (NS)

Next week: (January 17 – January 23)

The Flash – January 19 at 8pm on The CW (R)

Arrow – January 20 at 8pm on The CW (R)

Supernatural – January 20 at 9pm on The CW (R)

Legends of Tomorrow – January 21 at 8pm on The CW (SP)

Week after next: (January 24 – January 30)

The X-Files – January 24 at 10pm on FOX (SP)

Lucifer – January 25 at 9pm on FOX (SP)

January 31 and beyond

The Muppets – February 2 at 8pm on ABC (R)

Sleepy Hollow – February 5 at 8pm on FOX (R)

Gotham – February 29 at 8pm on FOX (R)

Once Upon a Time – March 6 at 8pm on ABC (R)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – March 8 at 9pm on ABC (R)

Empire – March 30 at 9pm on FOX (R)



So King Arthur took the easy way out. Interesting…recap of Episode 4 of Once Upon a Time


Just when things seem to be completely normal, magic gets thrown in. In King Arthur’s case, we’re talking about magic dust that can “fix” whatever is broken. It is some powerful stuff but that’s what happens when you strike a deal with Rumpelstiltskin. The dust was intended to be used to create the illusion that Excalibur was whole. Instead, it was used to “fix” Guinevere once she had decided that Arthur was going crazy with his Dark One’s dagger obsession. After the dust, she agreed with him 100%. Oh, and was no longer in love with Lancelot. This same magic was used on Snow & Charming once they attempted to trap Arthur. Now they trust him more than ever. This is a pretty big plot twist because now everyone’s on board with King Arthur’s plan except Lancelot. He’s locked up in a dungeon with Merida.

I didn’t expect to see her again but now she’s an important part of the current day Storybrooke storyline and in Camelot. King Arthur had her locked up for some reason and now it looks like her and Lancelot will help each other. In Storybrooke, she has been kidnapped by Emma to do some training. By training, I mean teaching Gold how to be…wait for it….BRAVE. It was by far the cheesiest thing to have ever happen on the show. It made me laugh though so I’m hoping that was the goal. If not, I’m afraid the show may go into movie-dropping territory for now on. For those who are a bit confused because they know nothing about Disney Princesses, Brave is the name of Merida’s movie. And yes, she was quite brave in it. Judging by the previews, Merida shows Gold quite a few things including archery. Will she succeed? We find out very soon. In the meantime, I wonder if Regina can tell that Snow and Charming are under a spell…

I almost thought this was gonna be a complete Jack the Ripper episode…recap of Episode 3 of Sleepy Hollow


I know I couldn’t have been the only one who was completely ready and excited when they mentioned Jack the Ripper. I thought they were gonna face off with his ghost or something but I was horribly wrong. It turns out that the knife he used takes over whoever is wielding it and creates a blood lust. The result was pretty interesting once it got into the hands of Nelson Meyers. His short rampage was brought on by jealousy and a crush. It wasn’t his fault but it was still creepy how he was acting before he even met Pandora. It’s never cool to creep on your crush and another person when you’re out at a bar/club. He ended up being easy prey for Pandora and got stuck with the worst accessory ever. Ichabod was able to stop him but only by injecting himself with a disease and allowing himself to get stabbed. He was so freaking close to death that it wasn’t even funny.

Meanwhile with Jenny and Joe, they attempted to get the rock (or whatever it was) back that had been stolen in the previous episode. Unfortunately, Randall had been duped himself by some woman. She’s a mysterious new character that seems to know all of the tricks Sheriff Corbin taught Jenny. Who is she, exactly? The easiest answer is a secret child. If she is the Sheriff’s daughter, what significance will come of it? Not a clue but it does make for an interesting twist.

The Darkness would put even Lilith to shame…recap of Episode 2 of Supernatural

(The CW)

So what’s creepier than having basically all evil in the form of a baby? Having that baby suddenly speed grow by a few years. What’s worse than that? Having Crowley  try to strike a deal with her. It’s about to get real messy. Poor Jenna didn’t stand a chance with The Darkness aka Amara in her house. First off, after noticing all of the strange things happening, she decided to soothe Amara anyway instead of staying far away. That was a real dumb move. To top it off, her grandmother called Crowley for the exorcism. Granted, she had no way of knowing that she was dealing with the King of Hell but it was still a bad move. Speaking of the King, he finally took back his independence and made it clear that he wasn’t friends with the Winchesters. Rowena would be proud but now there’s really nothing stopping Sam & Dean from killing him. But first, The Darkness.

I’m proud of Sam for being able to figure out how to stop the “zombie virus” from killing him. It took some praying but he did it. The action in this season so far has been pretty up there and I’m curious to see just how explosive it gets. I’m assuming The Darkness will be the Big Bad for most of the season and we have yet to see her true power. What she has done so far is pretty scary so knowing that there’s more to come is awesome. As for Cas, he should be getting some help in tonight’s episode. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed.


Umm…Thea, you okay girl?…recap of Episode 2 of Arrow

(The CW)

Rule #1 of dipping anyone into the Lazarus Pit: Tell them about it afterwards and warn them about the possible side effects!

We all knew it was gonna happen but I didn’t expect the effects to be so…scary. Thea broke that guy’s arm without even flinching. Even with all the craziness, Laurel still wants to resurrect Sara using the Pit. Of course, this is probably how she ends up in Legends of Tomorrow but I’m scared to see how she reacts. It may be much worse than Thea since Sara was a trained assassin. Also, how did Laurel not know about Thea’s near death experience and revival? I could’ve sworn she was around during all of that. Guess not.

I was happy that we got introduced to Curtis Holt (played by Echo Kellum). I can tell that he’s gonna be a great partner to Felicity because he shares her smarts, wit, and random outbursts. I was also proud of the way they handled mentioning that he was an LGBT character. It was normal and casual, just like with Captain Singh on The Flash. I’m assuming he’s joining Team Arrow so I’m excited for that. They still need all of the help they can get and it’s about time that the tech role wasn’t solely on Felicity’s shoulders.

Now for my favorite part of the episode: the end of the flashback struggle wig! Fans across Twitter rejoiced once we saw flashback Oliver suddenly with a shorter hairdo. I honestly think all of the jokes and negative feedback played a role in the decision to trash it. I actually hope that’s what it was. Our poor eyes can now take a break and we can finally actually pay attention to what’s going on in the flashbacks. Or not. It seems as though no one cares about the flashbacks anymore. I’m sure that they’ll lead to something important very soon.



I hope Jay’s here to stay…recap of Episode 2 of The Flash

(The CW)

If you’re a big fan of The Flash comics, this episode probably made you super happy. Seeing Jay Garrick team up with Barry was pretty freaking awesome. Even the cheesy redo of the classic Flash of Two Worlds cover was awesome. I loved the direction they took with Jay’s costume and how they brought it into the modern world. If they had stuck to the same bright outfit used in the comics, he’d probably be the laughingstock of the episode. Not that the original costume is bad but…it’s too bright and regular for modern DC Comics adaptations. If you’re not sure what I mean, just take a look at all the modern DC superhero costumes and compare them to the originals. Dark, muted colors are in for DC. But back to the episode.

Even with all of the tension, Barry and Grant made a great team. The Sand Demon was pretty nasty but they managed to figure everything out. As for the new woman in town, Patty Spivot, she was kinda irritating but I couldn’t figure out why. Turns out she’s Barry’s current GF in the New 52 reboot. I believe something happened to Iris and that’s why they’re together but even so, I don’t like it. I don’t think the writers are gonna seriously consider going down that road. I wouldn’t be surprised if they kill her off by the end of the season. Besides, we’re heading into multiverse territory so maybe other universe Barry is with Patty right now. Well we know that other world Dr. Wells is alive and well (ha ha) so anything could happen at this point. So who is Zoom? The only thing that is certain is that he is voiced by Tony Todd aka Candyman. Is there a chance that other universe Dr. Wells is Zoom? Possibly. I wouldn’t bet on it though. Maybe Cisco will be the key to figuring everything out. He has to use his powers for something, right?

No one messes with Mama Cobblepot!…recap of Episode 4 of Gotham

Poor Penguin. He’s the self-proclaimed “King of Gotham” and yet Theo Galavan has him under his control. Of course, the only way to really get under Oswald’s skin is to mess with his mom. That’s exactly what Theo has done and I honestly feel bad for her and Oswald. Theo is a lot smarter than some of villains we’ve encountered. Plus, he put himself in the spotlight as a good guy. Speaking of good guys/bad guys, I felt so proud to see Nygma finally make a move on Ms. Kringle. Granted, he let his evil side convince him but…it still counts as a win. He even made it to third base after letting it spill that her ex is dead. That was a bit much but I’ll just let it slide.

Nygma (and Gordon) better be extra careful now that there’s a new boss. Captain Barnes is hell bent on cleaning up the GCPD and I’m pretty sure he’ll achieve it. He already has a task force set in place. This will probably prove a bit problematic for Gordon & Penguin’s relationship in the next few episodes. This is especially true since Barnes truly likes and respects Gordon AND wants to go after the Penguin. It’s about to get awkward. I predict that by the end of the season, Gordon will officially be commissioner or damn near close. He’s already showing his leadership skills and his dedication to Gotham. Last minute thoughts: How somewhat heartbreaking was it to see Alfred tell Selina to stay away from Bruce? She looked pretty devastated. But we know she won’t stay away for long. The Bat needs his Cat.

Oooooh King Arthur is shady…recap of Episode 3 of Once Upon a Time


So who saw King Arthur’s secret motive coming? Not I. I’m not surprised that the writers chose to go down this path but it’s still an interesting spin for this character that we just met. It seems as though he is only looking after his kingdom but we can’t be too sure at this point. What we do know for sure is that he doesn’t trust our gang and Lancelot doesn’t trust him at all. King Arthur even made Charming an official Knight of the Round Table. That’s quite a big gesture for someone you don’t truly trust. I’m sure we’ll get to see what the point was very soon. As for Emma, I almost thought that everything she did for Hook was sincere but it turned out to be all an act to get his sword. No one wants to see the end of Emma and Hook so this has probably been a bit painful to watch for all the shippers. Will it be resolved by the end of the season? Of course but in the meantime we have to deal with it. Emma has kidnapped a now woke Rumple and plans on using him to retrieve the Sword from the stone. Will she gain ultimate Dark Power? Will she lose that last bit of light left in her? Guess we’ll find out tonight.

New guy better not come in-between Ichabbie…recap of Episode 2 of Sleepy Hollow


I like to stick to complete honesty when it comes to this blog and my recaps. So I’ll start this one off by saying that I can barely remember what happened in this episode. I’m not calling it boring…it’s just not that memorable. The bulk of the episode dealt with a “wraith” that was drawn to and fed on secrets. Betsy Ross had encountered one before so Ichabod was able to remember how to deal with it. Before all of that came into play, he and Abbie also encountered it as it tried to tap into their darkest secrets. Ichabod’s was that he kinda sold out his people during one of the wars. Abbie’s was that she knew where her dad was but just couldn’t bring herself to go visit him. Pandora’s creatures are getting fiercer and fiercer with every episode and I’m loving it.

Ichabbie fans were probably more concerned with the introduction of Abbie’s old academy “friend”. Ichabod didn’t seem too happy to be meeting him and there was more than a hint of jealousy. Now that he lives with her, will there be a change in the dynamic or is Daniel gonna be a problem? I’m Team Ichabbie but I think the writers are going at a slow pace that’s reminiscent of The X-Files. It’ll happen when it’s supposed to happen. Other parts of the episode included Joe Corbin getting into some trouble with Jenny as he tried to convince her to let him in on the supernatural world. This could mean that he becomes a regular ally for the gang. Overall, this episode may not have stuck to me but it was still pretty good. Let’s see how tonight goes.