Sibling love and time traveling back to the friendzone…recap of Episode 16 of The Flash

(The CW/Hulu)

Whenever a Captain Cold episode comes on, I’m automatically happy. Wentworth Miller is really starting to develop a sense of who Captain Cold is and his attitude towards his constant rival, The Flash. It wasn’t a total showdown but it set things up for him to almost be a regular character along with Heat Wave. Also, I loved how simple Lisa Snart’s character was. She was just taking a ride with her criminal big brother. She even got her own gold shooting gun and rode shotgun to his motorcycle.

But the Rogues weren’t the main spectacle of the episode. Most importantly, Barry broke the time continuum. He also screwed things up by deciding to change the events of the previous day. That’s NEVER a good idea. He wasn’t aware that Iris’ confession of her feelings was triggered by the tragic events unfolding. Without those events, her feelings are still buried. Like my hopes and dreams of Baris happening this season. Eddie also punched Barry. I don’t endorse his actions because it was unnecessary. You don’t punch a guy for telling his best friend, who just happens to be your girlfriend, what he’s feeling. Especially when it’s obvious that there’s something there. Well at least Barry broke up with Linda. She won’t be missed. However, Wally West may make an appearance in the future so there’s always that. Anyway, Cisco was once again put in danger but it was much better than him being killed by Wells. Even if that meant him telling Captain Cold who The Flash is. This also means that he no longer knows Wells’ secret but Barry is finally suspicious. Took him long enough! Wells has always reeked of suspicion and it’s weird that Barry was oblivious to it. It’s finally time for him to start seeking some answers.

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